
遗传归纳逻辑程序设计的个体编码生长现象 被引量:3

Growth Phenomenon of Individuals' Code Length in Genetic Inductive Logic Programming
摘要 遗传归纳逻辑程序设计 (GILP)的个体编码生长现象严重影响了算法的性能和规则的可读性 通过对变长编码的模式分析 ,解释了GILP的个体编码生长现象 并发现 ,若从初始种群开始添加长度惩罚项来解决个体编码生长问题 ,种群会出现退化现象 而采取在演化的初期不添加惩罚项 ,在种群的性状有了明显改善后再添加惩罚的策略 ,既可避免种群退化 ,又可有效解决个体编码生长问题 . The individuals' code growth existing in GILP badly reduces the algorithm performance and the readability of rules. Through the schema analysis of individuals with variable length, the individuals' code growth existing in GILP is explained. In addition, the population will degenerate when the length penalty of individual's fitness is added from the initial population. If the new penalty strategy is employed and the length penalty of individual's fitness is not added until the population properties are obviously improved, then the population's degeneration is avoided and the individual's code growth is also effectively restrained.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第8期1238-1243,共6页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金 ( 60 173 0 14 ) 北京市自然科学基金 ( 4 0 2 2 0 0 3 )
关键词 归纳逻辑程序设计 遗传归纳逻辑程序设计 遗传算法 模式分析 inductive logic programming GILP genetic algorithm schema analysis
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