目的 :探讨高海拔地区 (3 480m)大鼠严重烧伤 (3 0 %Ⅲ度 )后小肠病理变化以及复方红景天参芪花粉对其影响 ;方法 :建立高原烧伤大鼠模型 ,1 56只大鼠随机分为烧伤试验组 (72只 ) ,烧伤对照组 (72只 ) ,正常组 (1 2只 ) ,试验组伤前灌胃给药 ,其余给盐水。伤后 3h、6h、1 2h、2 4h、48h和 72h等 6个时相点剖腹取出小肠一段 ,1 0 %福尔马林固定 ,常规石蜡包埋切片 ,HE染色 ;结果 :烧伤对照组伤后 3h即出现小肠粘膜充血水肿 ,伤后 6h~2 4h肠粘膜细胞变性 ,纹状缘消失 ,继而上皮细胞糜烂 ,但病变极少累及粘膜下层 ,伤后 48h~ 72h上述病变更趋明显 ,固有膜内可见出血灶 ,粘膜下充血水肿。烧伤试验组 :伤后 3h小肠粘膜有轻度水肿 ,伤后 6h~ 2 4h固有膜内少许粒细胞、淋巴细胞浸润 ,粘膜上皮未见明显变性糜烂 ,伤后 48h~ 72h肠粘膜充血水肿减轻 ;结论 :复方红景天参芪花粉制剂对大鼠高原严重烧伤后的小肠损害有显著的保护作用。
Objective:To study the early pathological changes and the protect effective of Rhadiola Astragalus Codonopsis Compound(RACC) of small intestines in rats with severe burn at high altitude.Methods:A total of 156 rats divided randomly into experimental model group(EG.n=72)who were given RACC 4ml by oral before burn and control model group(CG.n=72 )who were given saline by oral before burn,normal group as control(NG.n=12).The models of EG and CG were made by fire up to 30% Ⅲ degree burn.The small intestines of all models were taken at different time after burn and were fixed by 10% formalin.Than the specimens of small intestines were embedded by paraffin and were made sections with HE dye.Results:In the CG:The small intestines mucous were hyperemia and edema after 3h burn.There were denaturation of intestines mucous cells,the brush border disappeared,then the epithelium cells became rotten,but the pathological changes were a few to implicate submucosa after 6h~24h burn.The above pathological changes were very clear.there was hemorrhage focus in intrinsical mucous,hyperemia and edema at submucosa after 48h~72h burn.In the EG:There was light edema of small intestines mucous after 3h burn.There were a few of lymphocyte and neutrophilic leukocyte in intrinsical mucous.Epithelium of mucous didn't become denaturation and rotten after 6h~24h burn.The edema and hyperemia of small intestines became lightly after 48h~72h burn.Conclusion:There is important protective effect of RACC on small intestines injur in rats with severe burn at high altitude.
Journal of High Altitude Medicine
全军"十五"医药卫生科研指令性课题基金资助项目 .(NO .0 1-L0 0 3)
High Altitude
Small intestines
RACC (Rhadiola Astragalus Codonopsis Compound)