高等教育教学改革的目标在于通过教育思想观念的转变 ,教材体系的建设 ,教学内容、教学方法的改革 ,通过现代化教学手段的运用 ,全面提高大学生的综合素质和创新能力 ,为实现科教兴国战略 ,培养具有科学精神和创新思维习惯的劳动者和专门技术人才。大学图书馆在高等教育改革中 ,发挥着第二课堂的独特功能和作用。它为大学生人文素质及综合素质的提高 ,完善知识结构 ,培养锻炼自学能力 ,陶冶情操 ,尤其是在培养大学生信息力 ,使其适应网络时代 。
College library train the laborer who have the scientific spirits and the habits of the thought to innovation and train the qualified people who have the special possesses the particular function and use of the second classroom in the reform of the higher education It's of great significance that it could improve the college students' humanities and general qualities, perfect the college students' structure of knowledge,train and exercise the college students' ability to study themselves,mold the college students' temperament, especially enhance the college students' ability to make full use of information in order to be fit for the times of nets and the environment of knowledge economy etc.
The Library Journal of Henan