
股份制是加快铁路发展的重要实现形式 被引量:9

An Important form to Realize the Acceleration of Railroad Development——Joint-stock System
摘要 运用历史的方法、比较的方法和逻辑的方法,通过对中外铁路发展历程的简要回顾,论证了江泽民同志提出的国企改革指导思想的正确性.文章指出:股份制历经百年世界铁路风云变幻的洗礼,除保留原有筹措资金功能外,在优化铁路企业资源配置.提高经济效益、增强铁路企业竞争力等方面也呈现出勃勃生机与活力.尽管股份制在旧中国铁路实践效果不甚理想,但仍不失是探索铁路多渠道投资兴路的有益尝试. 分析了当前中国经济与社会发展出现的新情况和新特点,指出:基本国情,区域地理特点,区域间经济发展的不平衡性、经济结构调整的差异性,能源和消费结构的严峻性,决定了各区域间铁路所面临的挑战和机遇是不同的,决定了各区域间铁路客、货运输对象的不同,决定了铁路在21世纪中国工业化与城市化的进程中仍将占有重要的地位,决定了探索符合中国国情铁路改革的复杂性、紧迫性和稳妥性,决定了不同区域、不同形式、不同方法铁路运行机制创新的多样性.其中,推行股份制改造可以实现“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的要求,是加快新世纪中国铁路发展重要而现实的有效途径,可以收到多方面的效果. By employing historical, comparative and logical methods and briefing the course of railroad development at home and abroad, the article argues that the guiding principle on the reform of state-owned enterprises addressed by Comrade Jiang Zemin is correct through. The article points out: after the ups and downs in the global railroad community in the past century, joint - stock system, besides maintaining its original function in raising money, demonstrates vitality and energy in optimizing the allocation of resources among railroad enterprises, promoting economic returns and strengthening competitive power of railroad enterprises. Although joint -stock system didn't yield perfect fruits in Old China's railroad community, it still stands to be good to attempt to explore the way for multi - channel investment. After analyzing the new situations and characteristics occurred in current Chinese economic and social development, the article points out: basic national conditions, geographic characters in different regions, the imbalance in economic development between regions, the difference in the adjustment of economic structures and the severity in the structures of energy and consumption decide that railroads in different regions are faced with different challenges and opportunities, that different regions have different subjects of passenger and freight, that railroad would still play a key role in the process of China's industrialization and urbanization in 21th century, that it is complicated, urgent and stable to explore the way to reform in the railroad community that conforms to our national conditions, that the variety of railroad performing mechanisms in different regions, in different forms and by different methods. To carry out joint-stock system meets the requirement of building the system of modern enterprise, which is a realistic and effective way to speed up the development of Chinese railroad in the new century and could produce results in many aspects.
作者 李文耀
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 2003年第3期14-21,共8页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
关键词 铁路发展 股份制 铁路运输企业 企业改革 发展战略 中国 企业创新 joint-stock system railroad innovation industrialization development way CLC number: U29
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