通过四年的选育,培育出了适于温室栽培的纯雌性华南型黄瓜杂交组合C96-06×C96-03,该组合高抗白粉病(Sphaerotheca fuliginea),中抗霜霉病(Pseudoperonospora cubensis),前期产量及总产量均明显高于对照宝杂2号,年产量可达16.61kg/m2。该组合光补偿点低,在1500μmol·m-2·s-1光强下净光合速率仍维持高水平,表明该组合耐低温弱光及强光,夏秋高温季节栽培,雌花节率仍可达91%以上,因此,该组合可应用于低温及高温季节温室栽培。
A pure female Hua' nan-type cucumber hybrid C96-06 × C96-03 suitable for greenhouse culture was successfully bred during 4 years.The hybrid was resistant to powdery mildew and downy mildew. It's yield in earlier stage and total yield were all higher than those of Baoza No. 2,and the yearly yield could be 16.61kg/m2. It's light compensation point was low,and it's net photosynthesis rate still was high even if the intensity of illumination was 1500μmoL·m-2 ·s-1, which showed that it was tolerant to weak sunlight and strong sunlight. It's rate of female flowers could be 91 % in the high temperature time of summer and autumn. So it could be cultured in greenhouse in cold and hot seasons.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai