对于复杂断块油藏的开发 ,油藏地质的复杂性使得剩余油研究既有相当大的难度 ,又极其重要。油藏数值模拟是研究剩余油分布的重要手段。运用数值模拟这一先进技术手段 ,研制出表征剩余油分布的几种方法 ,作出剩余油饱和度分布、剩余油地质储量、剩余油潜力区厚度、潜力区储量丰度等多种图件 ,使得再现复杂断块油藏长期开发历史成为可能 ,同时为精确指出剩余油分布及其控制因素 ,提出针对性的挖潜措施奠定基础。其研究成果在文中老三块开发中取得较满意的应用效果。
In complex fault-block reservoir development,the complexion of the structure make it difficult to predict the remaining oil distribution,but this work is very important and the reservoir simulation is a vital means to do it.The paper found several methods to show the remaining oil distribution by the contour map of remaining oil saturation,remaining oil reserves,potential remaining oil saturation,potential remaining oil reserves,etc.The technology makes the long-term develop history once again and supply basis of indicating the remaining oil and the related factors,suggesting the adjustment methods.The achievement gets satisfied experience in Wenzhong block.
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field