随着井筒温度和压力的降低 ,凝析水会从天然气中析出。利用气井自身的能量排除凝析积液是值得研究的问题。基于气井的节点分析理论 ,通过流入流出曲线交点 (节点 )产量与气井临界产量的比较来判断井底是否存在积液 ,如果临界产量大于交点产量 ,则凝析水将被带出井筒 ,否则 ,将产生井底积液。改变气井的工作制度 ,再计算流入流出曲线 ,直到交点产量大于临界流量时的工作制度为排除井筒凝析积液的最佳工作制度。实例论证了该方法的正确性和简单实用的特点 ,对于现场应用具有实际意义。
When the temperature and pressure of the wellbore drop, the condensed water will drop out from the natural gas. If the condensed water can not carried out, it will accumulate in the bottomhole and affect the normal production of gas wells. So how to use the energy of gas wells themselves to get vid of the accumulated condensed liquid is an important problem to discuss. Based on the node analysis theories of gas wells, this paper can discriminate if there is accumulated liquid in the bottomhole by comparing the intersection(node) production of the inflow and outflow curves and the critical production of gas wells. If the critical production is bigger than the intersection one, the condensed water can be carried out from the wellbore, or the liquid will accumulate in the wellbore. In order to remove the condensed liquid in the wellbore , we can change the working system and then calculate the inflow and outflow curves until the intersection production is bigger than the critical one. Now the working system is the optimum system of removing the condensed liquid from the wellbore. Then we use the practical examples to prove that this method is correct, simple and practical and also very useful in on-site application.
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field