喜树暗斑螟Euzopherasp .是国内危害喜树CamptothecaacuminataDecn .的新害虫 ,在江西安福 1a发生 4代 ,以蛹在寄主树皮缝和枯卷叶内越冬。越冬代翌年 4月上旬开始羽化并产卵。各代幼虫发生期依次为 :4月中旬至 6月中旬、 5月下旬至 7月下旬、 7月上旬至 9月上旬、 8月中旬至 10月中旬。在幼虫始盛期用 4 0 %氧化乐果乳油与水 1∶1的混合液涂环 1周 (宽为直径的1/ 3) ,对当代防治效果达 90
Euzophera sp.,a new pest insect attacking Camptotheca acuminata Decn.,has four generations a year and overwinters as pupa in bark crevices of rolled deciduous leaves.It emerges and lays eggs in the first ten days of April.Painting rings on trunks with the mixture of 40% Omethoate Ec and water in a proportion of 1∶1, could kill 90% of the pest.
Forest Pest and Disease