根据资溪县多年的气候资料统计分析 ,得出资溪县光能资源、热能资源较好 ,水分资源充足。年平均太阳辐射为 1 0 0 .7× 4.1 868KJ/cm2 ,年平均日照为 1 3 63h ,是我省的低值区之一。年平均气温 1 6.0~ 1 8.0℃ ,最冷月 1月份的平均气温为 5 .7℃ ,平均最低气温为 2 .4℃ ;最热月 7月 ,平均气温 2 7.8℃ ,平均最高气温3 4.4℃。年平均降雨量为 2 2 63 .78mm ,但季节分配不均 ,主要集中在春夏两季。该县山区气候资源丰富 ,气候类型多样 ,可划分为农作层、经济林木层、主要林业层和保护性开发层 4个气候资源层。山区气候具有多层性、多样性、立体性、多宜性特点。特殊的气候生态环境生长着珍贵的、特有的、优质的生物物种 ,宜人的山区气候适于发展旅游业。
A few years' statistical climatic data in Zixi County were analysed, the results are as follows: In Zixi County the resources in light energy and heat energy are good, and the water resources are adequate. The average annual solar radiation is 100.7×4.1868KJ/ cm 2, and the average annual sunlight is 1 363 h, which is one of the minimal values in Jiangxi Province. The average annual temperature is from 16℃ to 18℃; January is the coldest month in a year, its average temperature is 5.7℃, and its average lowest one is 2.4℃; July is the hottest month in a year, its average temperature is 27.8℃, ant its average highest one is 34.4℃. The average annual rainfall amounts is 2 263.78 mm, but the rainfall varies significantly with seasons amassing in spring and summer. The climatic resources in the mountainous areas in the county are abundant, the types vary, so it can be divided into four climatic resource strata. They are the crop stratum, the cash forest stratum, the main forest stratum and the planned-exploitation stratum. The climate in the mountainous areas has the characteristics of multilayer, multiplicity, tridimensionality and multiadaptability. Some valuable, distinctive and first-qualified species have habitats in the special climatic ecological environment. Lovely climate in the mountainous areas is of great benefit to development of tour industry.
Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
江西省资溪县马头山自然保护区综合考察课题 ( 2 0 0 1 )