流媒体技术在网上视音频直播及点播的广泛应用对网站以及电视台事业的发展起到促进的作用 ,但是带宽的限制造成用户收看网上视频广播的图像质量急剧下降 ,同时还限制了同一时间内点播的用户数 ,影响网上视音频点播、直播的进一步推广和使用。从流媒体服务器的配置、组网形式、协议的选择、播出方式以及服务器软件的选择等几个方面探讨带宽瓶颈的突破。
Technology of Stream media is widely used in Video-Live-Broadcast and Video-On-Demand of network,which will be beneficial for both TV station and Web station. But the limtaition of bandwidth brings about the video quality worsening limits the number of audiences,and gives a bad influence on the further development and using of video live broadcost and video on demand over network. Discuss the solutions for the limitation of bandwidth from some aspects of stream media such as scheme, framework, choosing protocol, broadcasting means and choosing server software.
China Digital Cable TV