电力资源是我国的重要能源 ,对于维持经济快速发展和改善人民生活具有重要的保障作用。从世界其它国家发展看 ,发电用能源占一次能源比重呈不断上升趋势 ,在新世纪 ,我国发电用能源占一次能源比重也将不断上升。我国电力生产始终保持了较高的增长速度 ,并形成了以火电为主的发电结构 ,电网互联初具规模。但是 ,与发电资源禀赋结构特点相比 ,我国电力资源在结构和空间布局上还面临一系列问题 :如电源结构不合理、水电发展滞后、水能资源空间分布和开发力度不匹配以及电网互联进展缓慢等 ,特别是水电资源丰富的优势还没有充分发挥出来 ,电力资源结构和空间布局亟待调整优化。针对上述问题 ,该文提出了电力资源结构和空间布局调整优化对策 :优化电源结构 ,加大对西南地区水电资源开发力度、积极拓宽水电建设融资渠道和促进电网互联 。
power is the main component of energy resources contributing greatly to China's rapid economic development and the improvement of peoples' living standards. The power proportion in primary energy is becoming increasingly larger in the world. In the new century, China's power proportion will also be enlarged. China has witnessed a rapid power development. Fossil-fired power constitutes large proportion in power mix and results in some environmental protection problems. Seven main power networks have taken shape and the project of network interconnection is still underway. Contrasting to power resources endowment, China's power industry encounters some structure and spatial distribution problems such as irrational power mix, less development of hydropower, mismatching of hydropower spatial endowment and its exploitation, less development of interconnection between power networks. The advantage of hydropower endowment is still not exerted. It is urgent to optimize the power mix and its spatial distribution. Aiming at these problems, the countermeasures are put forward, including optimizing power mix, expanding hydropower financing channels, facilitating the hydropower development in the southern west region, improve the interconnection progress, which are of great importance to the optimization of power resources as well as to the environmental protection.
Resources Science
中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 (编号 :KZCX2 -3 0 7)
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所知识创新工程领域前沿项目 (编号 :CX10G -B0 2 -0 2 )