在激烈的市场竞争中处于领先地位的企业 ,都是各行业领域中的质量先驱。由于顾客对质量需求呈现出多样性 ,因此 ,企业在市场竞争中必须为顾客提供一条“满意链” ,在这条“顾客满意链”上 ,顾客对产品使用价值的满意 ,顾客对产品附加价值的满意 ,顾客对企业服务的满意和顾客对产品的社会性满意是“链节”。顾客满意是企业质量改进的思想基础 ,质量改进是动态的和持续性的。处处站在顾客的立场上 ,使顾客满意的工作贯穿于产品质量形成的全过程 ,是当今全面质量管理思想的新扩展。质量改进是一个不断发展的概念 ,与传统质量改进相比 ,现代质量改进的思想内涵在于突出强调质量改进的持续性 。
The leading enterprises succeeding in market competition are those quality forerunners in each industry and operation fields. Because of the emerging diversification of customers' quality demand, enterprises must provide customers with a `satisfaction chain' in market competition. At this `satisfaction chain', customers' satisfactions with using value, added values of product, enterprise's services and product's sociality are the linkages. Customer satisfaction is the ideology base of quality improving for an enterprise. And the quality improving is a dynamic and sustainable process. It is the new extension of today's total quality management theory that customer satisfaction should be performed throughout the complete producing process of the product quality at the point of customers everywhere. Quality improving is a continuous developing concept. Compared with traditional quality improving, conceptual intension of modern quality improving is more emphasizing on the sustainability of quality improving which is defined as a constant goal of an enterprise.
Commercial Research