东营黄河大桥主桥为 (116 +2 0 0 +2 0 0 +116 ) m预应力钢筋混凝土刚构 -连续梁 ,其中主桥 10 #墩位于黄河河槽内 ,基础下布置 4 9根直径 1.5 m,长 115 m钻孔灌注桩 ,桩中心间距 3.9m。主要介绍位于黄河主河槽复杂地质条件下的主桥 10 #水中墩钻孔灌注桩成桩工艺。
The main body of Dongying Yellow River Bridge is a continuous rigid frame bridge of a prestressed reinforced concrete structure,with a span of 116+200+220+200+116 meters.The tenth pier of the main bridge takes its root into the riverbed.Its foundation is mainly made up of 49 non displacement piles,which are 1.5 meters in diameter and 115 meters in length,and the center distances between the piles are 3.9 meters only.This paper presents the boring control technology for in water construction of the non displacement piles for the tenth pier of the bridge mentioned above under complex geological conditions on the bed of Yellow River.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society