
游离附生假单胞菌对铜绿微囊蓝细菌中^(32)P释放的影响 被引量:2

Effect of free-living adhesive Pseudomonas on the release of ^(32)P from Microcystis aeruginosa
摘要 采用同位素示踪法 ,分析游离附生假单胞菌 (Pseudomonassp .)对富集3 2 P的铜绿微囊蓝细菌 (Microcystisaeruginosa)中磷释放的影响 .研究结果表明 :在微囊蓝细菌生长的延迟期和对数期 ,游离附生假单胞菌的加入抑制了微囊蓝细菌中3 2 P的释放 ,而对蓝细菌的生长没有明显的影响 ;在微囊蓝细菌生长的稳定期和衰减期 ,假单胞菌促进其蓝细菌细胞内3 2 P的释放 ,同时也加速微囊蓝细菌的衰亡 .假单胞菌对微囊蓝细菌3 2 P释放的促进作用是由于自身的吸磷能力导致的 .假单胞菌的吸磷量由假单胞菌生物量和细胞内磷浓度决定 ,假单胞菌在微囊蓝细菌的整个生长阶段生物量不断增加 ,而体内3 2 P浓度在开始阶段很低 。 Effect of free living adhesive Pseudomonas sp. on the release of 32 P from Microcystis aeruginosa was studied using the method of phosphorus isotope tracer. \%Pseudomonas\% sp. could inhibit the release of 32 P when \%M. aeruginosa\% was in its lag and exponential growth phases but had no significant effect on its growth. \%Pseudomonas\% sp. accelerated the release of 32 P and promotes the declining of \%M. aeruginosa\% cells in the stationary phase and declining phase . The promotive effect of \%Pseudomonas\% sp. is influenced by its own phosphorus uptake ability which was determined by its biomass and the concentration of 32 P in \%Pseudomonas\% sp. The biomass increased during the entire growth period of \%M. aeruginosa\%. The concentration of 32 P in \%Pseudomonas\% sp. was low at the beginning of this period and did not stabilize until \%M. aeruginosa\% was in its stationary phase.
出处 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期521-524,共4页 Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
基金 中科院知识创新项目 (KZCX2 4 0 3)
关键词 游离附生假单胞菌 铜绿微囊蓝细菌 ^32P 释放 影响 水体 富营养化 Microcystis aeruginosa, Adhesive bacteria, Pseudomonas sp., 32P
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