
信息时代企业持续创新的理论探索——持续创新作为持续的组织变革 被引量:1

An Inquiry into the Theory of Enterprise's Sustainable Innovation ──Sustainable Innovation as Permanent Organizational Change
摘要 在新的理论视角“持续创新作为持续的组织变革”下 ,论述信息时代企业持续创新的动力、机制及过程控制等问题 .提出以往的创新研究都是按静态观点进行的 ,思考的出发点应该是从间断式创新到持续创新过程这一过渡中所隐含的范式转换 ;提出了与间断式创新相对应的持续创新的基本特征 ,以及与持续创新相对应的过程导向的创新管理的基本特点 ;并提出创新过程控制逻辑转换的思想 ,强调对持续创新过程的控制是对复杂系统的控制 . From the new point of view regarding sustainable innovation as permanent organizational change, the problems of enterprise's sustainable innovation's dynamic,mechanism and process control, etc are expounded. The previous innovation research is put forward according to static views , and the basis of thinking should be implicative paradigmatic change in a transition from episode to the sustainable innovation process. Some basic characteristics of sustainable innovation corresponding to episode innovation and basic features of process-oriented innovation management corresponding to sustainable innovation are provided. At the same time, the ideas of controlling the logical changes in innovative processes are brought forward and an emphasis is made on the control over complex systems when controlling sustainable innovation process.
作者 可星 孙建
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(理工版)》 2003年第4期122-127,共6页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 (项目编号 :2 0 0 0G0 0 11Q) .
关键词 信息时代 企业 持续创新 间断式创新 创新管理 控制逻辑 过程导向 sustainable innovation process-oriented innovation management sustainable innovation process control
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