为抗击非典型肺炎 ,让各级政府部门领导同志能及时、准确地了解民众的社会心理行为状态 ,我们于 2 0 0 3年 5月 7~ 10日 ,对贵州省贵阳市民众进行了抽样问卷调查 ,内容涉及疫情风险认知 (疫情发布信息源、政府行为信息影响 )、民众认知水平、民众心理行为变化、民众恐惧心理来源以及民众信心的预期等指标。并得出相应结论。
In order to fight against SARS effectively and inform government at different le vels of the sociopsychological state on SARS for citizens in Guiyang, we made a questionnaire on people’s awareness of SARS and both their psychological and be havioral changes in the period of SARS. The indexes of people’s fear and confid ence expectation were included in the questionnaire. Some suggestions are propos ed accordingly.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences