轻轨大坪车站隧道净宽达 19.98m ,为我国最大跨径隧道之一。该隧道位于繁华市区 ,属浅埋、超浅埋隧道。如何确保隧道及邻近众多建筑物的结构安全 ,为以后的相关地下工程设计、施工提供宝贵的经验 ,将有十分重要的意义。本文根据重庆市的地层特点 ,结合大坪隧道车站段的地质及周围复杂环境 ,根据大拱脚薄边墙结构型式的受力特性及开挖方式 ,建立结构受力模型 ,并进行结构计算与分析 ,确定该隧道的结构支护参数。
With net span up to 19.98m, Daping Tunnel on light track is one of the tunnels with the largest span in China. A structural model of load was built according to the characteristics of layer in Chongqing, geology and complicated environment near the Daping Tunnel station, and the properties of load and excavation method for structure with big abut and thin side wall. Structural calculation and analysis were carried out and the structural support parameters were determined.
Technology of Highway and Transport