通过对杭州萧山戴家桥的实际调查和分析研究 ,提出设计此类桥梁时 ,应该采用空间分析计算结果。根据平面计算和空间计算结果的对比分析 ,发现将斜交刚架拱桥简化为平面结构进行设计计算 ,将产生设计抗力不足的严重问题。所以为了避免在斜交刚架拱桥中出现裂缝等问题 ,就必须采用空间分析进行设计计算。
The spacial analytic results should be adopted in design of bevel rigid-frame arch bridge through actual investigation and research of Hangzhou Xiaoshan Daijiaqiao Bridge. According to the contrasting analytic results between plane and spacial calculation, it is found that the design resist is seriously insufficient if the bevel rigid frame arch bridge is designed and calculated as a simplified plane structure.
Technology of Highway and Transport