介绍了一种适合于伺服应用的低成本绝对位置反馈单元。该位置反馈单元由一种新型增量式光电编码器和信号处理电路组成。与常规增量式光电编码器不同 ,文中介绍的编码器的码盘采用了特殊的刻划方法 ,使之与信号处理电路配合具有了绝对式编码器的性能 ,而成本显著降低。同时 ,信号处理电路还提供了对外的串行曼彻斯特编码同步接口 ,减少了连线数目 ,提高了抗干扰能力。
This paper introduces a low-cost absolute posit io n feedback unit designed for servo application.The unit consists of a novel incr emental optical encoder and a signal processing circuit.The disc of the encoder is different from the normal incremental encoder as that the disc has several sp ecial tracks instead of the UVW tracks.With the help of the signal processing ci rcuit,the encoder becomes a low-cost absolute rotary position sensor.On the othe r hand,the circuit also provides the serial synchronous communication port with Manchester Code.By using this kind of communication with the upper-controller,th e number of the lines decreased and the capability of anti-jamming increased.
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中国博士后科学基金 (2 0 0 2年度 )