胰岛素人工合成工作由多个单位合作 ,共花了约 7年的时间才完成 ,中间经历过不少转折。通过对该工作重要参与者施溥涛的访谈 ,介绍了这些转折的原由和北京大学进行胰岛素工作的详细经过。从施溥涛对大兵团作战、合作中的争论、1 978年的总评大会等大量事件的回忆 ,以及他对胰岛素人工合成工作意义的评价 ,可以清楚地看出改革开放前我国“无产阶级的科学道路”的具体走法以及政治运动等科学外部因素对科研工作的影响。
There were a few turns in the project of insulin synthesis, which cost many research units almost 7 years of time. As the record of an interview with Prof. Shi Putao, who is an important participator in insulin synthesis, this article mainly covers the causes of the turns and the detailed process of insulin synthesis carried out in Peking University. From the retrospect of Shi Putao about large formation warfare, disputes between research units, the general comment in 1978 and his evaluation of insulin synthesis, we can not only make out clearly the trail of “the science road of proletariate' , but also the impact of outer factors on science.
China Historical Materials of Science and Technology
中国科学院知识创新工程资助项目 (KJCX W6)