目的 了解我院神经精神病出院病人的有关临床特征。方法 采用临床流行病学的方法 ,对我院1997— 2 0 0 1年的出院病人进行统计分析。结果 我院出院病人数有逐年增加趋势 ,神经科递增速度较精神科快 ;男性病人较女性多 ;年龄主要集中在 30~ 5 0岁和 6 0岁以上两个年龄组 ;出院者平均住院日逐步缩短 ,而平均住院费用不断增长 ;出院病人前 5位的疾病依次为精神分裂症、脑梗塞、情感性精神病、脑肿瘤和脑出血。结论 及时掌握神经精神疾病的临床特征及变迁 。
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of inpatients with neurotic and psychotic diseases. Methods Clinical epidemiology was applied to analyze inpatients with neurotic and psychotic diseases during 1997-2001. Results The number of inpatients increased each year. The number of inpatients with neurotic diseases increased faster than those with psychotic diseases. Male patients were more than female patients. The patients were mainly at the age of 30~50 or over 60. The days when patients were in hospital decreased gradually, while the average fees each patients increased. Schizophrenia, brain infarct, affective disorder , brain tumor and cerebral haemorrhage were the first five diseases. Conclusion Management of patients with neurotic and psychotic diseases may depend on the analysis of the inpatients with neurotic and psychotic diseases.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Statistics