以革命精神凝聚全党 ,集中广大人民的力量 ,是中国共产党的政治优势和传统工作方法。只有牢记“两个务必” ,弘扬善于建设新世界的西柏坡精神 ,才能代表先进生产力的发展方向和先进文化的前进方向 ;只有牢记“两个务必” ,弘扬坚持依靠群众的西柏坡精神 ,才能代表最广大人民的根本利益 ;只有牢记“两个务必” ,弘扬西柏坡精神 ,才能为全面建设小康社会 ,快速推进中国特色社会主义现代化建设事业提供强大的精神动力。
It's the political advantage and the traditional method of the Chinese Communist Party to coagulate the whole party with the revolutionary spirit and concentrate the masses power.If only we keep the 'Two Musts' in mind and carry forward 'the XiBaiPo Spirit' of being good at building the new-world ,we can represent the development trend and orientation of the advanced productive force of China. If only we keep the 'Two Musts' and carry forward 'the XiBaiPo Spirit' of depending on the masses,we can represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people; If only we keep the 'Two Musts' in mind and carry forward 'the XiBaiPo Spirit',the strong motivation can be provided to speed up socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics.
Journal of the Armed Police Academy