笔者从健全完善公安边防部队干部管理机制和推进部队建设稳步健康发展出发 ,针对当前领导干部经济责任审计评价不够规范科学的实际 ,阐述了建立公安边防部队领导干部经济责任审计评价体系的必要性 ,并提出了建立这一审计评价体系的初步构想和相关保障问题 ,对深化公安边防部队领导干部经济责任审计有一定的借鉴意义。
This paper expounds the needs to set up economic auditing system of high officers of frontier forces of public security because this present system is not reasonable and regular and therefore it needs to be improved to perfect the management of officers and advance the construction of frontier forces. This paper also put forward ideas of establishing this system and some problems related, which is of certain significance to improve economic auditing system of high officers of frontier forces of public security.
Journal of the Armed Police Academy