阐述了随着社会主义市场经济的新发展和“入世”以后的新形势 ,以及互联网的问世 ,尤其是现代信息技术在出版编辑工作中的应用 ,使出版编辑活动方式发生了许多新的变化。指出了出版编辑活动的技术也超越了以纸介质为中心的印刷时代 ,由于计算机容量大 ,信息多 ,检索方便 ,使得出版编辑活动能够在更大范围内进行 ,出版编辑活动的过程也大大加快。如何运用现代信息技术做好新时期的出版编辑工作 ,成为当今出版编辑工作的重中之重。
Along with the new development of the socialist market economy, new situation of entering WTO later and publishing of Internet, special application of modern information technology in the publishing work, the way of publishing takes place many changes. The technology of publishing and editing work. oversteps that of printing, which the medium is paper as centre. Becanse computer has large capacity, much information and convenient indexes, so the work of publishing and editing can go on in the much scale and its process is rapid. It is discussed How to utilize modern information technology doing well the publishing and editing work in the new period in this paper.
Information Technology