介绍了一种用于扩频通信系统微弱信号检测的新方法。该方法利用了正弦函数的特殊性质 ,在信号未知的情况下 ,通过多次自相关运算成功的检测出埋没于强大噪声中的微弱正弦信号。具有理论推导简单、物理意义明确、计算量小等特点。还给出了具体信号的仿真结果。
This paper introduces a new method that can be used in weak signal detection. As we all know, the sinusoidal signal has a particular autocorrelation. Based on it, we can successfully detect the unknown weak signal. It has many virtues such as simple theoretic deduction, explicit physical signification. Finally, this paper offers a material imitated result.
Information Technology