本文总结了军队SARS医疗救治工作的做法与经验 ,指出面对SARS大疫 ,要及时建立与完善组织体系 ,明确职责 ;要加强教育 ,提高广大医务人员和群众对SARS的认识 ;要实施定点诊治 ,加强定点医院和发热门诊建设 ;要抓住诊治与控制院内感染这两个重点 ,讲求成效 ;要及时总结 ,不断完善SARS医疗救治经验。
The author summarized the work treating SARS in army, and put forward viewpoints as building and improving organizations in time, definiting duty in separate; enforcing education of SARS to enrich the knowledge of medical staff and people; giving treatment in special hospital and strengthening the construction of fever clinic; paying attention to two key points as diagnosis and infection in hospital; summarizing experiences to improve the treatment on SARS.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army