小汤山医院是在北京SARS疫情暴发时期仅用七天时间建成的一所大型传染病应急专科医院 ,由北京市负责基建和后勤保障 ,四总部从全军抽调医护人员负责医疗工作。本文从决策、院址选择、基建设计、施工、医院组织结构和人员配备方案制定、人员组建及技术训练、设备药材采购安装和调试、医院后勤保障介绍小汤山医院的建设 ,并提出了三点思考 :一是审时度势、果断决策 ,二是军民协作、各方支持 ,三是争分夺秒、超常运作。
Xiaotangshan Hospital is an emergency special hospital receiving infectious disease . It costs 7 days to set up this hospital. The government of Beijing is in charge of construction and logistic support, the four general departments of PLA are in charge of medical treatment. The author introduced the whole procession of Xiaotangshan hospital's construction, including the strategy, location, designing, construction, the institution of hospital structure and personnel, technique training, drugs procurement, installing and adjustment of equipments. The author summarized three successful experiences: Firstly, considering the situation and deciding rapidly and correctly; Secondly, cooperating and getting support from people; Thirdly, racing agaist time, operating extraordinarily.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army