目的 :探讨病案首页错误信息的原因 ,提高数据质量。方法 :采用全军下发的核查软件 ,对 2 0 0 2年 7月— 2 0 0 2年 9月出院患者 145 7份病案首页 ,进行统计核查。结果 :门诊住院填写录入的住院卡片错误信息占总错误的 73.99%;临床医生填写错误信息占 16 .32 %;首页费用错误信息占 1.6 9%,病案编目错误占 8%。结论 :①加强人员培训 ,尤其要学习软件操作及病案首页正确填写的内容 ,统计人员要学习“四版常规”提高质量意识 ;②加强数据监控 ;③健全管理制度 ;④增加软件功能。
Objective: Discussing the cause of improper data on first page of case history and improving the data quality. Methods: Checking 1 457 first pages of case history of patients who left hospital since July to September in 2002, with software provided by army. Results: Wrong information on in-hospital card filled at the time of out-patient department takes up 73.99% of the gross wrong information; wrong information recorded by doctors accounts for 16.32%, improper charge on first page accounts for 1.69%, wrong list accounts for 8%. Conclusion: Firstly, advance training, especially learn the use of software and content on first page. Secondly, strengthen the supervision of data. Thirdly, perfect the administration system. Fourthly, increase the function of software.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army