作者介绍了该院制定合理的共同愿景 ,激发医院员工的学习愿望 ;建设学习型的领导班子 ,带动员工自觉学习 ;强化学习过程管理 ,不断提高学习效果 ;处理“学”与“用”的关系 ,保证学习型组织管理模式长久运行等一系列构建学习型医院的基本做法 ,为探索医院管理新模式提供了参考。
The author introduced the establishing common wish of inspiring the learning among personnel, constructing leadership of learning type to leading personnel learn initiatively, enforcing process administration of learning to advance learning effect continuously, managing the relation between learning and using to ensure the long-run of the method. The author also gave reference to explore new mode of hospital management.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army