为探讨如何更好地实现武警机动师卫生勤务的终端保障 ,本文从建立一个科学的应急卫勤保障管理系统、搞好平时的医疗保障、树立为部队服务的管理理念三个方面 ,谈谈管理的一些做法 ,为武警机动师医院管理提供参考。
In order to inquire into how to realize the terminal medical support of the armed police mobile division better, the author talked about methods of management in three aspects : Firstly, establishing a scientific medical support administrative system ; Secondly , strengthening the daily medical support; Thirdly , establishing administrative idea of serving the army .The thesis aims at offering reference to the management of division hospitals.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army