随着现代通信技术的发展,ATM业务接口可能和SDH接口出现对接不通的问题,影响业务的开通时限,这种情况下可以使用SDH网络分析仪通过测试的手段来解决,主要方法是分别向发生问题的设备接口发送不同格式的信号,通过分析接收到的相应的告警,可找到接口对接不通的原因,本文通过对一个ATM交换机和SDH设备接口不通的实例来说明如何通过测试手段解决ATM over SDH物理层问题。
There are some problems in physical layer when customer builds up ATM network. This article focus on an actual problem happened in Jilin power ATM network. We try to analyze it in detail to show engineer how to solve physical layer problem by the SDH analyzer. Usually, the STM-4 optical interface cannot work if there is alarm. So we can send certain type signal to the SDH interface and try to find the real SDH frame type by analyzing the alarm received.
Telecom Engineering Technics and Standardization