听课虽然是学校一项非常普遍的促进学校教学的手段 ,但在新形势下 ,用什么理念、方法去听课 ,采用什么样的尺度去评课 ,是一个值得深入探讨的问题。发展性听课和研究性听课不失为改革听课理念 ,促进教学改革的有效方法。
The paper analyzes the observation of the daily work in the schools from three aspects, the purpose and the style of the observation, developing observation, and the researching observation. It gives a general explanation of the theory, the situation and intention of observation. Although observation is a common measure to accelerate the teaching in the schools, but in new situations, what kind of theory of observation should be used, how to observe and what criteria will be used to evaluate the observation will be the purpose of discussing and analyzing in the paper. It is a way for writers to participate in discussing the observation and making endeavor to practice innovative education and promote the development of education.
Journal of Tianshui Normal University