
Flow Field and Performance of Cross Flow Fans——Experimental and Theoretical Investigations 被引量:3

Flow Field and Performance of Cross Flow Fans——Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
摘要 Due to the construction and the operating principle the prediction of performance of Cross Flow Fans (CFF) is difficult and the knowledge about the internal flow regime is limited. To investigate the impact of geometrical parameters on the performance of CFF, experimental investigations, using Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV), and CFD calculations were carried out. Some results of PIV measurements and CFD calculations are presented, which give an impression of the internal flow and confirm the numerical calculations.
出处 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第3期234-238,共5页 热科学学报(英文版)
关键词 FANS cross-flow fans computational fluid dynamics particle imaging velocimetry 鼓风机 横向流动 实验研究 理论分析 CFD 计算流体力学
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