吴世昌是一位文史通才 ,其学术思想可从“质疑师说”的新锐思想 ,“词辩”中的以声出情、以情圆境、以义设境、以音证境 ,“评判”的当代意义 ,“新论”中的极富个性与创建 ,“立场”的真实而非媚俗上滋生的丰富性等中去考察。其学术方法又拟可分为“基础甄别的科学选择性”、“多层分析的深入连贯性”、“多元询问的主动碰撞性” ,并可从中找到闪光点。其学术意义在于不被尘世俗土所埋的精神境界 ,是学术界中升华的人性 ,是学术工作者个体在更大更崇高的系统中找到了自己的位置并自觉顺位 ,是发前人所未发之所见 ,是扬弃人性之私的一种超越后的生命新基点 ,是使我们最终看到了人性———追求———价值的一个直观的审美对象。
Wu Shichang is a writer and historian. He made great achievements in academic field. For example, he always took skeptical attitude towards conventional ideas and founded academic thoughts of his own. The academic method he employed was advanced as he could analyze in a deep manner and ponder over questions from different angles. His thoughts embodied the independent spirit of those outstanding intellectuals and the pursuit of intrinsic quality of life, which had never been put forward before. Although these thoughts were at that time difficult to comprehend, they had undoubtedly gone down in history.
Journal of Hanshan Normal University