1979年以来 ,海外潮人在对本土公益事业的贡献上 ,捐资兴学、助学蔚然成风 ,遍及潮汕城乡各地 ,广泛而深刻地影响着本土的教育与社会 .韩山师范学院海外校友对母校的捐赠和对家乡普通教育事业的支持 。
Since1979,the overseas Chaozhounese have made great contributions to our public welfare which has widely and deeply influenced the local education and the society. They have been donating money for building schools and helping the poor students in the areas of Chaozhou and Shantou. The overseas alumni of Han Shan Teachers College's donation to their Alma Mater and supports for the education of their hometown is a typical case.
Journal of Hanshan Normal University
1999年广东省高校第三批人文社科规划项目 (99SJA880 0 0 7)