本文从我国使用的智力障碍定义的来源 ,分析了从 1992年到 2 0 0 2年以来的智力障碍定义的演化过程 ,比较了美国智力障碍协会 (AAMR)智力障碍定义 1992系统与 2 0 0 2系统之间联系与区别 ,认为 1992年以来的 10年关于智力障碍的定义演变过程中 ,智力障碍的定义的内涵中保持了一个值得注意的连续性 ,这就是“功能”、“支持”和“生活质量”三者之间的内在联系。本文通过阐述这三个概念以及关系 ,表达了 2 1世纪国际智力障碍特殊教育及相关服务中的一种值得注意的趋势 。
Starting from the initiative Chinese definition for mental retardatio n, the paper makes a systematic review of the changing processes about the defin ition of mental retardation in China for 1992-2002. It also makes a comparative study between the 1992 and the 2002 systems of definition for mental retardation , provided by American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR). The finding is that the ten year changing process shows a seeming inherent consistency, i.e. th e internal coherence among three concepts: function, support and quality of life . Furthermore, the paper emphasises new emergent tendency in special education for mental retardation groups and relative services in the new century in a beli ef that it will deeply affect the direction of special education in China.
Chinese Journal of Special Education
全国教育科学"十五规划"(教育部 )重点课题<特殊教育社区化问题研究>的理论研究部分