兴安落叶松(Larix gmelini Rupr.)是我国主要用材树种。随着经济建设的发展,兴安落叶松可利用资源日趋减少,为了满足国民经济的需要,对现有的后备资源如果能按合理经营密度进行抚育间伐,就可以达到科学经营森林的目的。本文利用胸径与冠幅的相关关系确定林分适宜密度的方法,编制了牙克石林区中部兴安落叶松幼中龄天然林、人工林合理经营密度表。
A linear relationship exists between the diameter breast height (D. B. H.) and the crown diameter. The equations (W = A + BD) of all key plots have been worked out, then the discrepant inspection of A and B in all of the key plots inside the bureau and among the bureaus were conducted. The result is that there is a discrepancy in A but not in B.As a general rule the crown decreases as the height increases, [a linear regression between A and Hr (even superior height) was made. The equation for the crown was established. The tree numbers calculated by the equation are the largest theoretical density and the parts of the Crown overlapping was added to achieve a suitable density. Then suitable management density tables of L. gmelini, located in the midst of Ya Ke Shi area, were worked out for both plantations and natural stands.The practical inspection of these tables was made. It appears that the tables are useful for forestry management.
Forest Research
Larix gmelini
management densities
superior height
overlapping rate