探讨在SARS流行时期 ,疫区大学生由SARS事件所引起的焦虑状况以及应付方式和人格特征对焦虑的影响。方法 :以河北师范大学 40 6名大学生为调查对象 ,采用应付方式调查问卷、艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)、焦虑自评量表以及主观压力自评问卷 ,对他们的应付方式、人格特征、焦虑水平以及主观压力进行评定分析。结果 :(1 )主观压力与焦虑相关显著。 (2 )疫区大学生的焦虑水平显著高于全国常模。 (3 )不同应付方式之间的焦虑水平差异显著。 (4 )心理知识水平不同的学生在应付方式的采用和焦虑水平上均存在显著差异。(5 )人格特征与焦虑有显著相关。结论 :通过调查可以认为 ,SARS确实是引起疫区大学生焦虑的应激事件 ,但成熟的应付方式、丰富的心理知识以及外向、随和、平缓的人格特征都可以降低心理的焦虑水平。
Purpose of the survey: to explore the status-quo of the undergraduate anxiety in the SARS-infected areas, ways they deal with the plague, and the influences their personalities have upon their anxiety. Method: an investigation survey, EPQ, self-evaluation form, and subjective pressure evaluation based on 406 undergraduates in Hebei Normal University. Results: 1. The subjective pressure is obviously related to the anxiety. 2. The level of their anxiety in the infected areas is apparently higher than in non-infected areas. 3. Different ways of the handlings result in different levels of anxiety. 4. Students with different levels of psychological knowledge and with different ways of handling demonstrate different levels of anxiety. 5. Personality is quite related to anxiety. Conclusion: The survey shows that SARS does create anxiety in the infected areas. However, proper ways, plentiful psychological knowledge, harmonious and outward personality can all help diminish the levels of anxiety.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)