目的 观察急性CO中毒家兔模型的脑部影像学变化规律 ,探讨CO中毒迟发性脑损伤的可能机制。方法 通过腹腔注射CO制备急性CO中毒动物模型 ,采用磁共振成像 (MRI)技术动态观察 2 1d内染毒家兔的脑部损伤情况。结果 家兔染毒后 1h内MRI上即出现异常信号 ,以扩散成像 (DWI)最为明显。随着中毒恢复 ,MRI上异常信号亦逐渐消失 ,但少数动物脑部仍可持续观察到有异常信号存在 ;部分家兔在经历一段时间无明显异常期后 ,于染毒后 10~ 14d在DWI上重新观察到异常信号出现。结论 用磁共振成像法首次验证了CO染毒家兔中出现迟发性脑损伤 ,从而为迟发性脑损伤动物模型的成功提供了可靠依据 。
Objective To observe the dynamic changes in rabbit brain images following CO exposure in order to analyze the possible mechanisms of delayed neuropsychological sequelae after CO poisoning.Method First we established an animal model of delayed neuropsychological sequelae after CO poisoning by injecting high-dose CO into rabbit intra-peritoneally at intervals.Then we conducted a successive MRI examination (for 21day period)to assess the harmful effects of CO on the rabbit brain and whether delayed brain injury occurred.Result Abnormal high signals were found in CO-treated rabbit brain immediately after CO ip,especially on DWI they seemed more obvious.These signals could disappear gradually when animals got their recovery,but in several rabbits abnormal signals were found to present for a long period.Importantly,some animals were detected to have abnormal signals again at 10 and 14 day following a period of normal state after CO poisoning.Conclusion It is the first time that the occurrence of delayed brain injury was confirmed in CO-treated rabbits by applying MRI to the diagnosis of delayed neuropsychological sequelae after CO poisoning,which provided strong evidence to ensure a successful animal model of delayed neuropsychological sequelae after CO poisoning and also helped clarify its mechanisms.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (30 0 70 651 )
Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)
Diffusion-weighted imaging(DWI)
Delayed neuropsychological sequelae(DNS)
CO poisoning