目的 :尝试在腭化构音、侧化构音患者语音治疗中使用电腭图视觉化训练 ,并观察治疗前后的变化 ,为电腭图进一步应用于语音训练及推广提供经验。方法 :腭裂术后腭咽闭合功能良好 ,腭化构音 (伴 /不伴侧化构音 )患者 4名 ,其中 3名女性 ,1名男性 ,平均年龄 12 .5岁。采用电腭图视觉反馈诱导训练加常规语音训练方法 ,对比治疗前后语音清晰度和腭图表现。结果 :治疗后语音清晰度提高 ,腭图治疗后表现为舌与腭前部接触增加 ,与腭中、后部接触减少 ,接近于正常腭图。结论 :电腭图作为常规语音训练的补充手段 ,借助其视觉反馈效应可诱导患者建立正确的舌位反馈 ,在对腭化构音、侧化构音这类异常构音训练中 ,其效果优于单纯使用传统的一对一语音训练 。
Objective:To apply electropalatography(EPG) in speech training for the patients with misarticulations caused by abnormal palatolingual contact, such as palatalized misarticulation(PM) and lateral misarticulation(LM) because of cleft lip and palate. Methods: Four patients with cleft lip and palate averagely aged 12.5 years old were enrolled in this study. PM was found in all the patients with or without LM. Misarticulations of these patients were corrected by visual feedback of EPG in speech training. Speech intelligibility and electropalatogram before and after therapy were compared. Results: It was convenient for the patients to check their pronaciation by the visual feedback of EPG.Their speech intelligibility was improved and palatolingual contact were more anterior after speech training. Conclusion: EPG is a valuable instrument in speech training for patients with misarticulation
Journal of Practical Stomatology