我们的大学是一所坐落在市区的规模很大的大学 ,不仅有传统年龄的大学生 ,而且还有旨在寻求学位的在职成人学生。志向于攻读化学和其他理科专业的学生具有全然不同的学业背景和专业基础。为了应对他们在专业学习中淘汰率高和成功率低的情况 ,我们制定了一个规模很大的小导师教学计划。该计划执行得很成功 ,降低了课程淘汰率。由于参加了PLTL计划 ,学生们也因而提高了标准化考试的成绩。
Our University is a large, urban-situated campus with not only traditional age college students, but also older, employed students seeking a college degree. Students have very disparate backgrounds and levels of preparedness to begin chemistry courses intended for chemistry and other science majors. In order to address issues of low student retention and success in their academic programs, we have instituted a large scale Peer-led Team Learning Program. The Program has led to significantly higher student success rates and increased retention in courses. Students in the PLTL Program have also demonstrated improved performance on standardized examinations as a result of this intervention.
Chinese Journal of Chemical Education