利用常规核型和带型技术对分布于陕西宁陕的甘肃仓鼠进行了研究 ,其核型为 2n =2 4 =16m +4sm +2st +2t。由于没有得到雄性个体 ,所以很难确定性染色体。部分染色体有着丝粒C -带 ,有 1对亚端染色体长臂具较大近着丝粒异染色质带 ,暂定为X染色体。 3对染色体上有NORs。与已有报道的大仓鼠染色体比较 ,两者有显著差异。因此从染色体特征上看 ,将甘肃仓鼠作为大仓鼠的亚种是不合适的。
The mitotic chromosomes of Cansumys canus , from Ningshan,Shaanxi P rovi nce of China were analyzed by conventional, C banding, and Silver staining tec hn iques The species has a diploid number of 24, consists of 16 metacentrics, 4 s ubmetacentrics,2 subtelocetrics and 2 telocentrics Because of no male specime ns it is not determined the sex chromosomes Centromeric C bands were found in 2 pairs of chromosomes and a large heterochromatin block in long arm of one pair of subtelocentric chromosomes Silver stained NORs were found on the three to four pairs of chromosomes As the comparisons of the results with the chromosom e of the species Tscherskia (Cricetulus) triton [2n=28, 22 t + 4 m + XY (s t, m )] and other species in the Genus Cricetulus , there are several differences amo ng them in the diploid chromosome number and karyotypes We suggest that Cans umys canus should be one valid species
Acta Theriologica Sinica