德日进参与了 2 0世纪 2 0年代北疆博物馆在河套地区进行的古人类学野外调查和发掘以及《中国旧石器时代》的编写。这是第一本关于中国古人类学的专著。从中国第一家专门为进行古人类学研究而建立的学术机构———中国地质调查所新生代研究室 1 92 9年成立之时起 ,他便任顾问 ;他是在中国出版的第一本关于古人类学的专著《中国原人史要》的两位主要执笔人之一 ;他不仅在中国新生代地层和哺乳动物的研究上卓有建树 ,而且在旧石器考古和周口店的发掘工作方面都有不小的贡献 ;他是为中国广义的古人类学工作时间最长的外国专家 ,为之付出了近 2 0年的辛劳。
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin joined the first paleoanthropological survey of Ordos Region of China in 1923. He is one of the coauthors of the first book dealing with paleoanthropology of China, Le Palolithique de la Chine . He acted as an advisor for the Cenozoic Laboratory,Geological Survey of China,the first institution established for studying paleoanthropology in China since its establishment. He was one of the two chief authors of Fossil Man in China ,the first paleoanthropological book printed in China. He not only has great achievements in the study of Cenozoic stratigraphy,Paleolithic archaeology and mammalian fossils of China but also made important contributions in planning the excavation at Zhoukoudian. He worked in China for nearly 20 years,which makes him unparalleled among foreign paleoanthropologists.
Quaternary Sciences
科技部基础研究重大项目前期研究专项项目 (批准号 :2 0 0 1CCA0 1 70 0 )资助