
不动产统一登记背景下宅基地确权登记思路创新探析 被引量:2

Analyzing the Ways of Rural Homestead Right Registration and Certification in the Background of Unified Registration of Real Estate
摘要 党的十八大之后,新一届中央政府正式启动不动产统一登记工作,宅基地确权登记是其重要组成部分。然而现实情况是,进入21世纪以来,国家出台的宅基地确权登记发证的有关规定已经不能完全适应实践和形势的快速变化。本文以当前宅基地确权登记发证面临的突出问题为导向,在基本坚持国家现行法律法规、政策框架和深度参考学术界相关理论研究的基础上,结合全国多个地区实践调研经验和认识而完成。总体上看,国家有关宅基地确权登记发证的历次规定,主要涵盖'宅基地面积''一户一宅''一户多宅''非本集体成员在本集体的宅基地''城镇户籍人员在本集体的宅基地'五个方面的确权登记问题。本文的思路创新本着'尊重历史,照顾现实,分类分情况化解'的总原则,并坚持以下六个具体原则:一是坚持统筹城乡和城乡协调发展理念;二是坚持区分存量和增量;三是坚持'以考虑能否登记为主、如何登记为辅';四是坚持宅基地使用权的'静态'和'动态'并重;五是坚持'房地一体,先地后房';六是坚持'理论+实践+自身考量'的逻辑思路。 After the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the new central government officially launched the unified registration of real estate,of which rural homestead right registration is an important part. However,since the new century, the existing relevant provisions of the State on rural homestead right registration and certification have been unable to fully adapt to the rapidly changing situation and practices. This paper aims at solving the outstanding problems that the current rural homestead right registration and certification face. It adheres to the existing national laws,regulations and policy framework,refers to the relevant academic theory deeply, and is combined with the practices and knowledges from many parts of the country. Overall, the relevant provisions on homestead right registration and certification cover mainly five issues including homestead area,"one homestead for one household", "more than one homestead for one household"," homestead of non-members of the collective in this collective " and" homestead of urban household registration owners in this collective". The idea in this paper adheres to six principles: First,the integration and coordination of urban and rural development; Second, the distinguishing between stock and increment; Third, focus on consideration of the feasibility of registration rather than how to register; Fourth,the equal attention on" static" and"dynamic" homestead rights; Fifth,the "housing and homestead as a whole,with housing preferred"; Sixth, the "theory + practice + considering themselves"logical thinking.
作者 张毅
出处 《人大法律评论》 CSSCI 2017年第3期65-82,共18页 Renmin University Law Review
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“完善我国农村土地股份制制度设计研究”(14BJY090) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于LADM的我国不动产统一登记设计与建模”(41601428)
关键词 不动产统一登记 宅基地 确权登记 思路创新 Unified registration of real estate Homestead Right registration and certification One homestead for one household Innovative ideas
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