Based on data of wave observation, this paper analyses the change of wave pattern on the site during the typhoon period. According to the significant wave steepness of W.C.Thompson tt al.GR = HR\LR, E.Bows'dimensionless parameterand the maximum directional concentration parameter pointed out by Yo-shimi GodaSm0 = 11.5(2π fm U\g)-2:5,the relation between wave steepness and wave pattern, wind speed and wave pattern is analysed. From statistics of typhoon wave data, the wave characteristics are obtained. It is concluded that in the typhoon area, the larger waves occurring during the typhoon period at a solid point are of the winddriven wave pattern.For calculation of wave parameter for coastal engineering, the relation between wave height and wind speed, wave direction and wind direction is analysed, and the question of a sample typhoon wave pattern is discussed. Next a conclusion is rtached that the 100 year return period typhoon waves are also of the wind-driven wave pattern.The designing parameter for waves of the 100 year return period is calculated for Daya Bay seashore area. By using Yoshimi Goda's calculation oi irregular waves, the ratio of wave height inside and outside Daya Bay obtained is as following.0.62 (Sm0 = 10, for wind wave)0.78 (Sm0 = 25, for swell with short to medium decay distance) 0.84 (Sm0 = 75, for swell with medium to long decay distance) Based on data of observed typhoon waves in Daya Bay, it is shown that it is suitable to calculate designing parameters of waves by using wind wave patterns of the area directly effected by typhoon.
Journal of Tropical Oceanography