
武汉市2017年血吸虫病疫情监测结果 被引量:3

Surveillance of schistosomiasis in Wuhan in 2017
摘要 目的全面掌握武汉市血吸虫病流行状况及影响因素,为制定进一步的防治对策提供依据。方法收集并分析2017年武汉市常规监测、监测点监测、风险监测系统疫情资料。结果 2017年武汉市血吸虫病网络病例全年零例报告;全市28个监测点共调查居民14 856人,牛312头次,钉螺调查环境101处78 630框2 055.82 hm^2,野粪调查环境22个采样138份;人群感染率逐年下降至2016年的0,已连续两年为0;血阳率平稳下降,2017年为1.48%;家畜感染率为0;有螺框数1 157框,有螺框出现率1.47%,活螺2 673只,活螺平均密度0.034只/0.1 m^2,垸内、垸外均未发现感染性钉螺与阳性野粪。风险监测投放哨鼠240只解剖均为阴性;未发现阳性野粪;市级共调查钉螺41 206框,活螺3 863只,全年活螺平均密度0.094只/0.1 m^2,区级调查150 264框,捡获活螺3 718只,密度0.025只/0.1 m^2,均未发现阳性螺;风险评估III级(低)风险。结论 2017年武汉市血吸虫疫情平稳降至历史最低水平,钉螺、野粪、哨鼠预警指标提示均无感染,传播风险评估为最低风险。仍需继续强化防治及监测力度,关注血吸虫传播风险指标的动态趋势,防止疫情反弹。 Objective Ascertaining the epidemiological status and influence factors of schistosomiasis in the city of Wuhan in 2017,in order to provide a scientific basis for strategies of further control of schistosomiasis.Methods The combination of regular monitoring,monitoring of surveillance sites and risk monitoring were collected and analyzed.Results There were zero cases reported of schistosomiasis from network in the city of Wuhan in 2017.A total of 14 856 inhabitants,312 cattle times were examined,and 101 surveyed environment were 78 630 frames and 2 055.82 hm^2 for snails monitoring,and 138 wild manure samples were detected in 22 environment in 28 surveillance sites.The infection rate of schistosomiasis decreased year by year to 0 in 2016,and has been 0 for two consecutive years.The positive rate of IHA declined steadily to 1.48%in 2017.The infection rate of livestock was 0;there were 1 157 frames with snails and rate of frame with snails was 1.47%,2 673 living snails were detected and average density was 0.034 per frame.No infected snails,mild manure were found in both inside and outside embankment areas;240 sentinel mice were placed,all recovered and dissected,with a recovery rate of 100%and 0%infection rate among risk monitoring villages;no positive wild manure was found.A total of 41 206 frames for snails monitoring and 3 863 live snails were investigated with 0.094 per frame for average density of the living snail in the municipal level.A total of 150 264 frames for snails monitoring and 3 718 live snails were investigated with 0.025 per frame for average density of the living snail at the district level.Risk assessment was concluded as classⅢ(low)risk.Conclusion In 2017,the epidemic situation of schistosomiasis in Wuhan reached the lowest level in history.The warning indicators all were not infected including snail,wild manure and sentinel mouse,the risk assessment was low risk.However,control and surveillance should be continued to strengthen,the dynamic trend of the risk indicators of schistosomiasis also should be durative monitored,in order to prevent the rebound of schistosomiasis.
作者 左玉婷 罗华堂 王浩 张佳京 李洋 徐明星 ZUO Yuting;LUO Huatang;WANG Hao;ZHANG Jiajing;LI Yang;XU Mingxing(Wuhan Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention,Wuhan,Hubei 430015,China)
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2019年第4期335-338,347,共5页 China Tropical Medicine
基金 湖北省卫生健康委员会血防专项(No.WJ2019X001)
关键词 血吸虫病 监测 风险评估 武汉市 Schistosomiasis surveillance risk assessment Wuhan
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