青 2 - 2井是一口重点开发井 ,实际完钻井深 45 0 0m。原设计二层井身结构 ,中途改为三层井身结构。井身轨迹差 ,油气层显示活跃 ,环空间隙小 ,给尾管固井施工带来了难度。通过应用固井仿真与智能设计软件进行固井设计 ,强化井眼准备 ,优选水泥浆体系 ,严格细化施工技术措施 ,加强施工网络管理 ,保证了固井施工安全 ,获得了满意的固井质量。
Well Qing 2-2 is a development well. Its original plan is to drill 4500 meters and to run only surface and production casings.During the drilling process,change is made to run a technical casing and hang a liner.There is actively oil and gas show in the drilling process.The wellbore trajectory is not regular and annular space is small,so it is difficulty to cement the liner.To solve these problems,we use cementing simulation program software to optimize and monitor cementing operation,selecting proper slurry,carefully planning operation measures and emphasizing management.The cement job is very successful and cement quality is good. Apparently,this practice provides a useful experience for liner cementing in small annular space and deep slim holes.
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field