测井系列是指在给定的地区地质条件下 ,为了完成预定的地质勘探开发或工程任务而选用的一套经济实用的测井方法组合。选用合理有效而完善的测井系列是保证应用测井资料有效地解决地质、工程问题的前提。因此 ,正确选择测井系列是一项极为重要的基础工作。通过对不同测井方法的说明 。
The well logging series is a set of economical and practical combinations which can complet concerted geological exploration and development task under the geological conditions of given regions.Choosing the reasonable and effective logging series is a premise,which effectively solve the geological engineering problem.It is very important to choose a set of correct logging series.Accounting for the different logging ways,this paper recommends the proper waterflooded reservoir logging series which suited to the geological conditions of Zhongyuan Oilfield.
Fault-Block Oil & Gas Field