记述采自云南蟋蟀科裸蟋属 1新种 ,齿瓣裸蟋Gymnogryllusodonopetalussp .nov .。
This paper describes a new species of the genus Gymnogryllus Saussure from China. Type specimens are deposited in the College of Food Science, Wuhan Polytechnic University.Gymnogryllus odonopetalus sp.nov.(Figs.1-7) .Size large. Vertex and pronotum blackish. Antennae brown. Ocelli yellow. Maxillary palpus and labipalpus yellow brown. Pronotum transverse with strongly concave anterior margin, posterior margin strongly sinuated; disc black; crescentic area red;inferior part of lateral lobes yellow-white. Elytra don't reach the abdominal extremity, brownish, almost transparent; mirror oblique, divided behind the middle by a dividing vein; 3 oblique veins; apical field of elytra large, reticulated in long, narrow, areolae;Cu1 presenting 8 branches at front margin, 10 branches at outer margin; Sc bearing 3-4 branches. Legs yellow-brown; fore and median tibiae pubescences; fore tibiae armed with 3 long apical spurs and perforated with a large, oval external tympanum and a small oval internal one; median tibiae armed with 4 apical spurs. Superior margin of posterior femora darkened; lateral surface of posterior femora with oblique longitudinal striations blackish. Posterior tibiae armed with 5 spurs on outer margin and 5-6 spurs on interior margin; 6 apical spurs, superior-internal spur longer than the median one. Wings caudate, overtopping termination of abdomen. Ventral surface of thorax yellow-brown. Abdomen yellow-brown, adorned with black spots. Subgenital plate cucullate, very large. Genitalia large, very specialized: ventral surface of epiphallus with two pairs of apodemes; posterior edge of ectoparameres with 45-50 denticles. ♀.Unknown. . Length of body 30.0-32.5?mm; length of pronotum 5.5?mm; length of elytra 19?mm; length of hind femur 17.0-17.5?mm. Holotype ,Xishuangbanna(Menglun), Yunnan Province, 8 Sep. 1999, collected by XIE Ling-De. Paratype 1 ,Xishuangbanna(Menglun), Yunnan Province, 8 Sep. 1999, collected by XIE Ling-De. This new species is easily distinguished from another species of the genus Gymnogryllus by ventral surface of epiphallus with two pairs of apodemes and posterior edge of ectoparameres with 45-50 denticles.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
农业部重点科研项目资助 (95农 0 4 0 4 0 3)
Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Gymnogryllus, new species, China.