文章介绍了超精度的新型地震传感器DSU ,它由微机电系统 (MEMS)和兼有模拟电路和 2 4位Δ -Σ数字电路的混合器件 (ASIC)组成 ,其失真度可达 0 .0 0 3 2 % ,响应频带 0~ 80 0Hz。DSU采集链使采集站、大线和检波器合为一体 ,既消除了电磁干扰和道间串音 ,又提高了采集数据的精度。DSU及DSU采集链的应用将为地震采集技术向超精度发展提供可靠保证。
In this paper, a new type seismic sensor DSU with ultraprecision is introduced. It is composed of MEMS and ASIC, with its distortion of 0.0032%, and response frequency band of 0~800 Hz. DSU link integrates acquisition station, main cable and geophone together, which not only eliminates both the electromagnetic interference and trace to trace interference, but also improves the data acquisition precision. The application of DSU and DSU link will provide reliable guarantee for ultraprecision seismic exploration.
Petroleum Instruments